Gear Up For Phase 3 Infographic

The Coronavirus pandemic had left us living in a dystopia. After spending more than two months away from our loved ones with the implementation of Circuit Breaker, Singapore has finally moved into Phase 2: A Safe Transition. Now, in anticipation of Phase 3: A safe Nation, there are a few pain points and frustrations of the employers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as Human Resource (HR) of various organisations, can relate to. Introducing an Electronic Direct Mailer (EDM) with an infographic approach for Into E to ensure a better outreach to its clients.

Art Direction | Infographic Design


Why Infographics?

An Infographic is visual representations of information and data, designed to provide an easy-to-understand overview of a topic to its audiences. As human beings are visual creatures, the usage of striking and engaging visuals, grabbing the audience's attention, enables information to be passed on quickly and clearly. Hence, infographic is a powerful and compelling tool for content marketing communication to have.


TCSJV Construction Mascot Design


ASEAN VECONAC Logo Emblem Design